How to feel fulfilled and balanced in your life.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

How to feel fulfilled and balanced in your life?

Studies are loud and clear about this: the current's generation of people is described as generally more miserable that they used to be twenty years ago. People have much less faith in life than the previous generation — your parents, if you are born in the early 90's like me — and they feel less eager to succeed in life. Studies have shown it a thousand times, sessions at the psychologist are rising up, people, and especially the working ones whether they have high responsibility jobs or not, tend to be more depressed and usually related to the feeling of being "stuck" in their own life. We've all heard a good quitting story, or a good story of people leaving it all behind and tour the world on their own to feel the danger and the adrenaline. 

However, there is a new tendency that is just starting to arise. Indeed, people are beginning to pay more attention to their health as they are even more and more to buy fresh and organic food and take more time to cook for themselves. They also start to be interested in listening more to their inner self and body, by trying yoga, meditation and zen seminars in order to reconnect with themselves and try a brand new way of living. 

But at the time of a new era of technology where everything is facebooked or instagramed, at the time where you have a thousand of feeds to look at in order to keep up with your so-called "friends", it is so easy to be completely overwhelmed with these avalanches of beach pictures, people traveling all over the world whereas you are at home working hard for school or people who obviously have more money than you and are bragging about it. Fortunately, life isn't just about the others, and there 3 ways for you to feel completely fulfilled and balanced with your life. Let's review these together!

Eat healthy and take care of your body

I know, you've heard it all before but I can swear you that this is the best thing to start with if you really want to change your life and your way of seeing things. Because yes, the feeling of fulfillment and balance is only accessible if you change your way of viewing things first. Seeing things from another angle, if you prefer. People always say that if you feel better in your mind or head, the rest, or the body, will follow. I honestly disagree with that saying, and I really think that you should go ahead and treat your body like a temple. Nourish it, take care of it with organic expensive products, allow yourself to take a bath once every two days, listen to relaxing music, take care of your skin... We spend so much time buying clothes every month but we forget to take care of the body that is going to wear it everyday. Try to eat non-processed food, you might think that this is hard but it is getting simpler and simpler, to be healthy you do not need to eat too much! You should only eat when you are hungry, and small meals. Don't forget to drink a lot and your body will not need more. To sum this up, give your body good food and treat it like a temple.

 Live simply and be kind to others

I know that this is probably easier to say than done, but it is possible if you are willing to do it. It is not normal, in my opinion, that in this day and age it gets so complicated to do simple tasks. Forget about fancy expensive clothes and save some money to travel and see beautiful places. "Buy memories, not things!". It is better to buy a few quantity of very good quality clothes, with noble materials such as silk or cashmere, rather than buying a thousand of cheap clothes from Primark or Forever 21 that will do nothing but cluttering your closets and also destroying lives and jobs on the other side of the globe. Buy quality goods that you will keep for the long haul, in that way, in the morning, I swear you won't spend two hours in front of your 1,000 clothes wondering what you are going to wear. Trust me, I've been there before. A simple life is very easy as long as you do not own too much goods. If you find something pretty at the store, take a picture of it!

 Stop comparing your life with the others'

Honestly, this is probably the thing that I want to enhance the most. If you want to feel fulfilled and balanced in your life, acknowledge all the things that you have done already and don't ask yourself whether they are good enough or not. Here is the fact: someone will always do better than you. Someone will always have seen a place you haven't seen, bought something you don't possess, and most importantly, someone will obviously always been richer than you. That also goes for college, you will always find people smarter than you no matter if you've always been the smarter of your class. This is how it works, and you should make abstraction of everyone around you and not envy them for the things they do, for you have done your own things and they might actually envy you secretly for that. I can tell you for sure, that people who take selfies of themselves in paradise places are not this happy. Everything is about appearance on the Internet, and you should always remain focus on yourself and the people you love, by reducing the scope of your life only between the people you love and yourself. Everything else are chimeras, and it prevents you from moving on and feeling fulfilled. 

I hope these 3 tips will help you seeing things from a different angle. It worked for me, and I honestly am grateful that I have tried these out because now I'm feeling happier than ever! Feel free to let me know in the comments below what you think of it, and also what are YOUR personal tips that you would think would improve people to feel better. 


  1. very interesting reading! hello from Oregon

  2. Inspiring and meaningful
